
About Me

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by!

The internet is exploding with food blogs; so why write another one? Well, I started this blog as a way to keep record of all the random creative streaks I have, and to kill time when I moved to a new city after getting married. This blog is a potpourri of some recipes - old and new, arts & crafts projects, and whatever I am doing and seems fun at the time. 

I moved from a buzzing city far north east of the US to the most south western city of San Diego. I call this beautiful, sunny city my home now. The abundance of fresh ingredients inspires me to cook simple, healthy dishes. You'll find lots of Indian or Indian inspired recipes along with world cuisine that I try to make. 

I am no writer, but I hope you enjoy my recipes and creations. 



  1. Thank you for stopping by Snehal.You have a wonderful blog & mouthwatering recipes.Loved your craft creations too-good going!

  2. Wonderful blog writer! Beautiful pictures, awesome recipes and most importantly, gosh, you are consistent. You inspire me!

  3. Great Blog Snehal! Bookmarked it for my reference :)


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